Decentralized Finance: How Banks Benefit Services


The term Decentralized Finance (DeFi) has come into focus in recent months. DeFi can be broadly described as an ambitious attempt to leverage distributed ledger technology (DLT) to provide services without human intervention.

Why decentralized finance?

Since the meteoric rise of Bitcoin in 2017 and the extremely rapid development in the crypto market in late 2020 with new all-time highs, the blockchain has been on everyone’s lips again. However, the technical complexity and limitations of purely digital currency still prevent widespread adoption in the financial world. Currently, the Bitcoin blockchain can only be used as a decentralized payment method and does not offer the possibility to use the blockchain as an open ecosystem for other applications.

Decentralized Finance: Obstacles and Challenges

As with any new technology, there are some obstacles and limitations to overcome in order to achieve widespread adoption in the mass market. Some specific obstacles have already been explained. Basically, the following challenges for decentralized finance can be named:

Further development of software solutions

Decentralized applications that have not been officially tested and that have only been insufficiently tested are often found as easy targets for third-party attacks. Also, there is no guarantee that smart contracts will work as intended in every situation, so security and end-user acceptance are not always increased.

Lack of control

Traditional central bank money is traditionally held stable by a supervisory authority. It ensures the efficiency of the medium of exchange, for example, the euro, by intervening in the market. Therefore, any money supply, regardless of whether it comes from banks, private companies, or online communities, must follow a state-prescribed order or

Ease of use

The implementation of DeFi projects is less driven by existing gaps in the market and more by technology. innovations. This creates applications that have a high degree of technological innovation, but can only be operated by end customers with well-founded knowledge. Consequently, establishing itself in the market is difficult.


Smart contracts are exposed to a high level of uncertainty, especially when it comes to regulation. To date, there is still no universal responsibility for cryptocurrencies and smart contracts.

Conclusion on decentralized financing

While Bitcoin brought the blockchain to life, but restricted its use, DeFi has the opportunity to start there and make it socially acceptable. The question of whether DeFi is really starting to disrupt the banking sector and to what extent banks are benefiting from it remains unanswered. DeFi projects carry systematic risks that banks must assess for their business model. Additionally, regulatory hurdles need to be removed and DeFi projects must overcome their initial stability, quality, and safety issues.

Now banks have to do the same, otherwise, this point will also go to Silicon Valley corporations. The topic needs to be addressed specifically to answer the house’s specific question about what customer issues can be solved with DeFi apps. Find out more about banking and finance at.